Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.

Planning your next trip

You’re ready to plan your next trip, so let’s find a stay that fits your needs. Learn how to use search filters, message a Host, or submit a trip request so you can lock down your reservation and start packing!

How to find the right stay

When booking a place to stay, take advantage of the search filters available to narrow your choices. Once you know the general location, put it in the search bar, and take it from there. Can’t book now? Simply click or tap the Heart on any Experience or place to stay that you want to book later on. Once you’re ready, you can book instantly or send a reservation request to the Host. 

Using search filters
Get tips on how using Airbnb’s search filters help you find a great place to stay.

Saving an Experience or place to a wishlist
Keep track of your favorites by creating a list and naming it.

How to book Instant Book and regular listings
Learn how to send a request to the Host, or message them with any questions.

Contacting the Host

It’s easy to get in touch—simply send a Host a quick message on Airbnb to let them know you’re interested or to ask any questions about their listing or Experience. While you can’t visit the property before booking, you can contact the Host to find out more. Also ask them about specific amenities, the neighborhood, or the location since they are the best source for all details. They may even send you a pre-approval or special offer to entice you to book their place. If you put in a reservation request, Hosts have 24 hours to accept or decline your request, but the good news is the vast majority reply within 12 hours.

Contacting Hosts
Message the Host to find out more about a listing, Host, or Experience before booking.

Host response time
Find out how long Hosts have to accept or decline a reservation request.

Asking to visit before booking
How to find more details about a place without having to visit.

Invites and special offers
Details on how pre-approvals and special offers work.

Did this article help?

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