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Paying for your trip

When are you charged for a reservation? What do you do if you can’t complete your transaction? We know navigating payment questions like this aren’t always the easiest, but we’re here to help you find what you need.
  • How-to

    Payment methods accepted

    We support different payment methods depending on the country your payment account is located in.
  • How-to

    When you’ll pay for your reservation

    Timing differs by the type of booking you’re making and the location of the stay.
  • How-to

    Payment plans

    You'll pay for part of your reservation upon booking confirmation, and future payments will be deducted automatically on the dates listed on…
  • How-to

    Paying and communicating through Airbnb

    Paying and communicating through Airbnb helps ensure that you're protected under all of our Host and guest safeguards.
  • How-to

    How pricing works

    How the total price of a reservation is calculated
  • How-to

    Airbnb service fees

    To help Airbnb run smoothly and to cover the costs of the products and services we provide, we charge a service fee when a booking is confir…
  • How-to

    Something went wrong with your payment

    This can happen for a number of different reasons, from an expired credit card to fraud prevention. Check with your bank or financial instit…
  • How-to

    Supported currencies

    We support many different currencies and ways to pay. Learn more about them and potential fees associated with your choice.